If you’ve ever given birth, you know that many things change as your body transitions from pregnancy to postpartum. While not every mama experiences the same physical, mental and emotional challenges, there are many similarities that make the first days, weeks and months postpartum comparable.
One of these “side effects'' is the ever frustrating postpartum stink. Dramatic shifts in hormones change the composition of a new mama’s body odor making it seem very pungent. This can cause new moms to feel even more self-conscious about themselves in their vulnerable and unfamiliar postpartum bodies.
Rest assured, this side effect is limited and will soon diminish. In the meantime, as embarrassing as it can seem, this unique scent actually serves a purpose for breastfeeding babies. Each mom has a body odor specific to her. Newborns can even identify their birth mother by her scent very soon after birth. The strong odor emanating from the armpit is close enough to the breast that it assists newborns in locating their source of food and comfort.
So as frustrating as it can be, your new body fragrance is supporting your breastfeeding journey and most often won’t be noticeable to anyone but you and your baby. Next time you turn your nose up at your unpleasant “new mama perfume”, try to remind yourself that your body is amazing and it can take time to feel at home and confident in your new postpartum body.
